Kāpiti Aero Club

Aerodrome Information

Kāpiti Coast airport situated just 45 minutes from Wellington offers pilots an ideal location in which to train and fly.


With typically more settled weather conditions on the Kāpiti Coast and an airport that is tailored for General Aviation, we are better able to cater for specialized flight training without the delays of large volume commercial traffic which can end up costing the trainee time and money.


Being located on the western side of the aerodrome, Kāpiti Aero Club is the main provider of both Private & Commercial pilot training in the area. Our aircraft which are operated from our apron area directly outside the club have easy access to AVGAS refueling & Kāpiti Airport’s main sealed runway. Night flying is also available at Kāpiti Coast Airport.


More information


Kāpiti Aero Club is open 7 days a week, 8am-5pm. Call us on 04 902 6536 or drop into our clubrooms to discuss your aviation requirements.